
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Losing prospects? Chances are that you're not ...

...communicating well enough.

"As the internet shifted from text to video, I cringed. I prefer to read”, someone said.

But how other than with the power of video could we have seen today how life flows INSIDE a space ship?

I had never heard about Commander Hadfield before and I do not think of space ships very often. But now, after watching a couple of videos of him, I feel connected at a level that would not have been possible from only reading a text.  

From text alone, I could probably move on to my daily activities and easily forget. With video, this is not the case. The story stays with me for longer and at a deeper level.

Video works on the same level in business, especially at the prospecting stage.

Having a video sent to a lead before the first meeting  which introduces you and your company and another after the meeting showcasing the benefits of your product or service, will help the viewer connect at levels that cannot be achieved with text alone.

Now that I ‘have met’ Commander Hadfield, I would like to wish him a warm welcome home!!

Camelia Petrus, Producer and Director at Tuatara Pictures