
Monday, July 22, 2013

How does video help when selling is not your piece of cake?

Some people like buying but not being sold to.
Some business people have products or services to sell but do not like selling.
So how does video help? How to convert viewers into leads, and leads into clients or customers?
I will not go through what does not work or what is not successful enough to cover the advertising costs or time involved. I will just introduce you to the tactics we developed and have used successfully for a number of years.
These tactics helped us ‘sell’ every video we made to every client we had, without actually selling.

How? We do not SELL. We TEACH.
People LOVE learning.

1.     The first thing to teach prospects is “WHY they are in the situation they are in”. While you are in an industry you have a passion for, you also have stories to share. So, share a story of how a client of yours was BEFORE you helped them achieve what they wanted, a time when they were in some sort of pain, fear, challenge, etc. People tend to remember not what they’ve been told, but what they’ve seen.

2.     The second thing to talk about is the positive change, the TRANSFORMATION. Show them the HOW. Explain how they can achieve what they want to achieve with your help or assistance and that removes the fear of the unknown, SHOW them what’s possible. Explain step by step in what way your solution will change their life. Before your prospect is ready to take a ‘risk’, they want to SEE a model of success and how you are doing it successfully.

3.     Call to action. A smart video will empower the viewer to make a decision. By the end of the video, the viewer should feel that they’ve got it and they can clearly see the benefits.

Fine details that a professional video director would not miss, would make a video like this a success. A video placed where the target market is looking, would help!
Here is an example of such a video. Target market: supermarkets.